Mar 23Liked by Caroline Manring

I love this sentence so much. “ They got to have their own careening, blooming, inconvenient, lively subjectivities too.”

Sometimes I find myself saying “no” to my twins as a knee-jerk reaction when an improvisational “yes and” approach is so much more life-giving.

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...OR, sometimes the world is best viewed in a blur?

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What is it that makes makes sausage taste SO GOOD ...until you see what goes into the making of it? Harkening back to a piece about mixed metaphors, Send In The Clowns seemed an astonishing journey through the sausage-making factory of creative writing (or parenting?) with sufficiently complex description to throw any reasoning person off-track utterly disoriented yet arriving at the (an?) intended treat of the most delicious sausage one could imagine! 🫣 🥰

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